
Every  MONDAY  I will send the Homework.... 

Delivery will be the following day:  TUESDAY

The color for our English Notebook is YELLOW.

Uses the header with the Date (Day, Month  ____th, 2014)
E.g.  Monday, October 06th, 2014

Write the Tittle: Homework 


04/20 – 04/24
On your English Notebook:
Copy and complete this sentence:
 My favorite food is:____________.
Make a draw about it and color.

 Check the English blog

04/27 – 05/01
On your English Notebook:
Copy, draw and color 8 words form the Spelling List #09

Check the English blog

05/04 – 05/08
On your English Notebook:
Write a small recipe for a fruit salad. Draw and color it.

Check the English blog
05/11– 05/15
On your English notebook:
Copy, draw and color 7 words from the Spelling #10

Check the English blog
05/18  – 05/22
On your English Notebook:
Copy this sentence and complete: When I grow up, I want to be a:________.
Draw it and color it.

Check the English blog
EMANS SUPER BEE INTERNAL COMPETITION (concurso interno sólo para estudiantes)
05/25 – 05/29
 On your English Notebook:
Write a sentence with each word: doctor, vet, chef and teacher. Make a draw and color.

Check the English blog
06/01 – 06/05
On your English Notebook:
Copy and answer: He wears a red uniform with a helmet. He saves people from fire, He´s brave and friendly. What´s his occupation?
Make a draw it.

Check the English blog
06/08 – 06/12
On your English Notebook:
Copy and answer this questions:
What is your complete name?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?

Check the English blog
06/15 – 06/19
On your English Notebook:
Write the days of the week with different colors

Check the English blog
06/22 – 06/26
On your English Notebook:
Write the Months of the year with different colors

Check the English blog
06/29 – 07/03
On your English Notebook:
Make a draw about 4th of July

Check the English blog
07/06 – 07/10

No Homework for this week
07/13 – 07/17

No Homework for this week



01/05 – 01/09
Check the English blog

01/12 – 01/16
On your English Notebook:
Draw your favorite animal

Check the English blog

01/19 – 01/23
On your English Notebook:
Cut and paste pieces of magazines to make your favorite teacher.
Write his name:
My favorite teacher is:____

Check the English blog

01/26 – 01/30
On your English Notebook:
Copy this sentences:
I think it´s fast
I think it´s cute
And draw a fast animal and, one cute animal.

Check the English blog

02 /02  – 02/06
On your English Notebook:
Copy this riddle and make a relative draw.
I live in the ocean. I like to eat crabs. I can change colors. My eight legs are called tentacles.
I am an __________.
02/09 –       02 /13
On your English Notebook:
Write a sentence with each of these words: socks, jacket, shoes and belt.
Make a draw of each sentence.
Check the English blog                   

02/16 – 02/20
Check the English blog     
02/23 – 02/27
On your English Notebook:
Write by letters:
15, 23, 36, 44, 58, 62, 75, 80
Check the English blog          
03/02 – 03/06
On your English Notebook:
Write by numbers: twelve,
twenty one, thirty, forty nine, fifty three, sixty six, seventy eight, eighty three, ninety.
Check the English blog                   

03/09 – 03/13
On your English Notebook:
Copy and draw 8 words from the Spelling list #8
Check the English blog        

03/16 – 03/20
On your English Notebook:
Copy this sentences a make a draw of each one:
In winter my house is cover on snow.
In spring I can see flowers grow.
I have vacations on summer.
Fall is really windy.

Check the English blog

03/23 – 03/27
On your English Notebook:
 Copy this words and draw each one:
rainy, cloudy, snowy, sunny, windy, hot, cold.

Check the English blog

Holly Week

04/06 – 04/10
On your English Notebook:
Copy and answer the questions:
How is the weather today?
Where do you go on Saturday?
What do you wear at the beach?

Check the English blog

04/13 – 04/17
On your English Notebook:
Cut and paste pictures of meals / food. Write the name of each one.

Check the English blog


Monday  10/ 06
On your English Notebook: Draw a water sport.

Tuesday 10/ 07

Monday  10/ 13
 On your English Notebook: Cut and paste 3 daily routines.

Tuesday 10/ 14

Monday  10/ 20
 On your English Notebook: write in letter, numbers from 1 to 10.

Tuesday 10/ 21

Monday  10/ 27
On your English Notebook: cut and paste a breakfast, a lunch, a snack and a supper or dinner.

Tuesday 10/ 28

Monday  11/ 03
On your English Notebook: draw your favorite sport.

Tuesday 11/ 04

Monday  11/ 10
On your English Notebook:  write and draw, 4 words from the Spelling List #3.

Tuesday 11/ 11

Monday  11/ 17
On your English Notebook: write in letters, numbers from 10 to 20.

Tuesday 11/ 18

Monday  11/ 24
On your English Notebook: make a draw about Thanksgiving Day.

Tuesday 11/ 25

Monday  12/ 01
On your English Notebook: make a draw about Christmas.

Tuesday 12/ 02

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for you help, remember sign the notes and the Spelling Test.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  2. hola miss Katty. Como ves a Mauricio.: Ha mejorado full los spelling no?. estoy encima. besos
