viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Teacher´s Day

Next January 15, we celebrate Teacher's Day in Venezuela ....I want to take the opportunity to congratulate all those teachers who work hard day after day for their students giving them love, understanding, happiness and especially showing them the way to fly and become in the best .... 

I congratulate in particular the IEA teachers because, every day we do our best to be excellent ...

H a p p y     T e a c h e r ´s     D a y !!!

I leave a beautiful story about a great teacher and a model student ... enjoy it!  

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Back to School!

Welcome back to School for II Term!

I hope you enjoyed your vacation and Santa has been good to you ...

Please, checked the list of spelling words for the II term on  Spelling List  and remember to study a lot for this term...