miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

What a Wonderful World!

For a final activity of this great year we decided to sing a super song: "What a Wonderful World" of        Louis Armstorng....

Do you know who was Louis Armstrong?

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, the "Birthplace of Jazz." Soon after Louis was born Louis' father abandoned his mother and Louis and his little sister Beatrice were sent to live with their grandmother. At the age of five, Louis and his sister returned to live with their mother. Later Louis was enrolled in the Fisk School for Boys and worked to help his mother by delivering newspapers and hauling coal.

At the age of eleven Louis dropped out of school and joined a quartet of boys that sang on the street to earn money to help his family. It was also around this time that Louis started getting in trouble. In 1913, the police took him to a home for troubled boys. It was there that Louis talked the band director into letting him join the band. Louis learned to play the cornet quickly.

At thirteen, Louis was released from the boys' home and spent the next few years supporting his family by selling newspapers and unloading bananas from boats. In his free time Louis would listen to local bands and perform when he had the opportunity.

Louis Armstrong became one of the most famous jazz musicians of the 20th centuryHe was a singer since his childhood, a master of the trumpet, and even a dancer in musicals. He devoted his life to bringing joy to people through his music. Despite the challenges in the early days of his life, Armstrong rarely viewed his youth as the worst of times but instead drew inspiration from it, "Every time I close my eyes blowing that trumpet of mine - I look right in the heart of good old New Orleans...It has given me something to live for."

Now, we can star to see and sing the fantastic song... What a wonderful world

Song with lirycs (pictures)               song with liryc             karaoke

Daily Routines

Hi kids! I have some new things for you.... Hope you enjoy it!

Song #1           Song #2        Song #3

                                                Vocabulary                                           Vocabulary