martes, 29 de abril de 2014

New Games

Hello again! This time a leave some links for new games! Have fun! 

Game #1

Game # 2

See you in Class!


lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


Hello again! This time I want to tell you about the READ AND TELL! This amazing experience is similar to the Show and Tell, but now it´s about a book! 

Kids, ask at home for some English stories, or at the library in the school...Read it, and write on a sheet some details about the story: characters, writer name, your favorite part ...

You don´t have to learn anything from memory or make a poster... You only have to bring at school the book and the piece of paper with the information. 

Try to find interesting books, like pirates, experiments, fairy tales, comics...

Please, check the Enlace notebook for the specific dates, thanks!